A glimpse into the early beginnings of the OKANAGAN VINTAGE CAR CLUB . The start of the Okanagan Vintage Car Club:
Okanagan Chapter of the Vintage Car club of Canada. As prepared by Dayton
Ross. The Chapter is now called the 'Kelowna Classics Chapter of the Vintage Car Club of Canada'. "While I was having my hair cut in Roy Sisetki's Barber Shop I saw a picture of Roy's Model A, and the talk got around to old cars. Roy is a lifetime member of the Saskatoon Antique Auto Club and I was a member of the Vintage Car Club of Canada from October 1960. We thought it would be nice if we could get a club going here in Kelowna. Roy knew Marvin Lewis and Stan Titanch and I passed a house on my home from town with a Model A in the carport. The name on the mail box was Chic Gray. I phoned Chic and he was interested and gave me the names of 9 others that he thought would also be. I phoned them all and Gordon Thomas was one. The first meeting was held in Roy's Barbershop and the club was started with the following 6 original members: Roy Sisetki, Dayton Ross, Chic Gray, Gordon Thomas, Marvin Lewis and Stan Titanch."
Vintage Car Club of Canada
(VCCC) was formed in Vancouver in 1958 by a group of old-car
enthusiasts. The founders intended to register the Club as the Vintage Car
Club of B.C.; however, that name had been taken by a group on The VCCC has expanded steadily over the past 50 + years and now includes families belonging to 24 local Chapters. Twice each year, a locally elected Governor from each Chapter attends a meeting to conduct the business of the National Club. Between these semi-annual meetings, the Club Executive that deals with routine matters.
Our KELOWNA CLASSICS CHAPTER, formally the OKANAGAN CHAPTER, follows the constitution and by-laws of the VINTAGE CAR CLUB of CANADA. The constitution is printed in the Annual Roster. Our Chapter Executive meets monthly to plan activities and conduct routine business. The Directors are assigned to specific portfolios for each year. All major issues are referred to the general membership at a regular meeting. The Chapter Governors represent our Chapter at the National level meetings. All club members are encouraged to be involved and be part of our executive. Elections are held in the fall each year. The women of our Club have formed an auxiliary group which meets to plan activities for themselves and to support the activities of the entire Club. They also look after the pins issued to members for years of membership in the VCCC and sell Club T shirts and hats, etc at regular meetings. We meet at 2:00 PM on the first Sunday
of each month. From September to April we meet at our meeting location
announced on the club Web Page. The club provides coffee and refreshments
at the meetings. From May to August the meetings are usually held in
conjunction with an outdoor activity.